
Solly's School Saga (Continued)

Solly: Mom, um, you know I can't go to school tomorrow.

Me: Oh really Solomon? Why's that?

Solly: Because I am so, so, soooo busy tomorrow. I think we will just have to cancel.

Me: What are you doing to keep you so busy tomorrow?

Solly: Well, I have some writing stuff to do so we just have to cancel.

Me: You have writing to do?

Solly: Well, um, yeah. I have other stuff too that just keeps me so busy tomorrow. I can't go to school.

Me: Like what solly?

Solly: I have a lot, a lot, a LOT of growing up to do tomorrow.

Me: Solly, just out of curiosity, why don't you want to go to school?

Solly: Because I get so, so, SO stressed out at school.

Me: Seriously? Stressed out, Solly? Why?

Solly: Because Cody......Cody gives me the creeps.

Me: Cody gives you the creeps? You mean Cody, as in your best friend at school? That Cody?

Solly: Yeah, but he gives me the creeps.

Well, okay then.....and the drama to get him to go into the classroom continued into the next day when I forced him to go to school even though he was too busy and it stressed him out and the kid we carpool with gives him the creeps....and he didn't complain later about having to meet the cool parrot that came in for a visit with a local Veterinarian. But, the teachers said he was the only kid who acted like a parrot was so "last year's news" and they could tell he had handled birds before. If by handling they meant punching and kicking and occasionally getting beat up by a rooster who is too big for his britches, then yes, he has handled lots of birds!

I am sure this story is not over. Have a great day!

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