
A Little Levity

Because some kids are like this:

What we heard:

"Hey, hey! I up here!"

What we saw:

What we heard:

Bang, crash, strum, strum, strum......

What we saw:

What we heard:

Mumble, mumble, hum, hum, "Need new diaper.....Tinkle, tinkle, little star....."

What we saw:

The new normal bedtime routine (A.K.A. The "Solly! Stay in your fricking room!" Plan)......

......Because some kids are like that......
And some parents are too lazy to change the door handle to a locked knob.....(which would be totally against fire safety code.....unlike this contraption which clearly is not.....)


  1. Karen, you are so amazing. I don't know how you do it. The next time A/M/L give you any flack, tell them to be thankful they were born before Solly, because if he had been born first.......he might have been an only! Our love to everyone,


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