So, I only read a couple of other bloggers online. I am choosy, to be sure, as time does not seem to be cutting me any slack. At any rate, at the beginning of each year most of those bloggers clearly state what books they intend on reading throughout the year. Some even go as far as telling you which months they will be reading what books and invite you to read them and discuss them at the end of the month. It's an extremely hyper-organized world out there. I apparently fall terribly short.
But, I do read a lot. And while I have never said much about books here, I thought this year I would at least give you a glimpse of what is on my reading list for the year. I can do that this year because 1) I bought myself a bunch of books for Christmas (You're welcome, Self!) and 2) Kurt made me clean out our entire wall of books in the homework room on Christmas day (yay for the three hours of panic as I stacked and sorted, whined and re-shelved some of the hundreds of books we have been holding onto all these years....really, who needs an outdated Biology book or a second copy of Candide? Come on, Karen!) Needless to say, I have a lot of books that I intend on getting to this year. If you happen to see one you might like, let me know and we can chat about it in about 16 years or so.
The Graceful Chicken's Reading List, 2013
(In no particular order because that would require a level of organization that I simply don't posses!)
*Listening for the Heartbeat of God, A Celtic Spirituality - J. Philip Newell
(Already started this one and am really loving it! It is a refreshing look at an alternative understanding of Christian spirituality, one that was long ago voted out but merits being re-embraced.)
*Buddy (How a Rooster Made Me a Family Man) - Brian McGrory
(The title called to me for some peculiar reason....)
*The Dark Night of the Soul - St. John of the Cross
*An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith - Barbara Brown Taylor
*The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times - Pema Chodron
*Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith - Anne Lamott
*The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
(Only because someone told me once that I needed more easy reading. Thanks for the reminder, Dawn!)
*The Clash of Kings - George R. R. Martin
*Simplicity: Finding Peace by Uncluttering Your Life - Kim Thomas
*Grace for the Good Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life - Emily P. Freeman
(I know this is a January book as I will be working through it with my mom's group.)
*Here and Now: Living in the Soul - Henri J. M. Nouwen
*it sucked and then i cried: how i had a baby, a breakdown, and a much needed margarita - heather b. armstrong (creator of, one of the few blogs I read because she is usually super funny.)
*Hansons Marathon Method: A Renegade Path to Your Fastest Marathon - Luke Humphrey
(Although I am still uncertain about training for Boston, I am gathering some better info to prep for the next race I run, whatever it may be.)
*Chi Running - Danny Dreyer
(I am hoping I can decrease the chances of further injury by changing my form a bit.....this is much more difficult than I had once thought.)
Well dear readers, that should get me through January. I will update you next month. Only kidding! While there will surely be more, and some I am reading through with Kurt, I think this is a good start for now as I still have kids to raise, a house to manage, workouts and physical therapy to do, training to begin, students to teach, music to practice, etc., etc.....
Happy Reading!
ReplyDeleteYes, this pastor is STILL following you and I LOVE your book list! I'm going to pick up your #1 and read it this month because I'm always looking for a new way of knowing (and helping other know) God.
On another note, however, I'm in Boston and seriously considering running the Boston Marathon. I know one other woman who also is so please please let us know if you decide to run and we can (if I get my nerve up) do it together.
Finally, and most oddly, my family was talking about you at our Christmas dinner table (yes, feel famous for the moment!) because we've decided to raise chickens but we have no idea how. So, as the weather gets warmer I may email you for more info on that.
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, and blessings!
-Cheryl Kerr from Boston
ReplyDeleteSo nice to hear from you again! If you get the chance, go to the post again and email me (the envelope with the arrow tab) so that we can chat more in depth. :)
I am also just finishing up a terrific book called "If the Church Were Christian" written by Philip Gulley, a Quaker minister. If you haven't read it, it is worth the read! Well, in my opinion. I think it would be a good book to use as a pastor, perhaps in a church study group, or maybe Staff-Parish or however your church does leadership and church vision stuff. :)
Ok, seriously, email me.