A month has gone by*, and oh what a month it has been.
There have been trips to PA, MI and FL, where we are currently. There has been driving, flying, laughter, tears, singing, yelling (and a little too much whining), sickness, health and all the stages in between and even orange hair (basically a blond dye job gone terribly wrong....you know it is bad when the hair dresser finishes up and says, "So, can you come back next week so I can fix that? I didn't quite get the color....or the cut for that matter....right...." That's fantastic! And what was better is when I went back to have it fixed he asked, "So, how would you like it cut this time? Shorter?" Uh.....I am pretty sure you can't cut it longer....He's lucky I am of the "it's just hair" mentality!)
Anyway, life has happened. Or should I say, it is happening. Meanwhile, we are simply striving to grasp it by the horns, holding tight while riding on through the bucking and kicking, all with a smile on our faces. Are we having fun yet?
I read a quote once, as I am sure you have too, that said:
"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, favorite beverage in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming, Woo Hoo...what a ride!" (Author Unknown)
Yeah. That's kind of like everyday for me.
At any rate, we are in the middle of our yearly FL trip (think alligators, snakes and other slimy ground dwelling monsters and well, all things deadly or poisonous...oh, and larger than possible fuzzy creatures that apparently only come out of the dark when I get here, so my mom claims, although I am beginning to think she buys them and let's them loose in her house just for the shock effect) that we take every summer. All is well down here. The thriving mosquito population has apparently not been effected by the economy. Last year's crop has produced grandchildren and great grandchildren and, by the looks of his face and arms, I believe Solomon just fueled the next generation. Even more exciting is the fact that there have even been a couple of Great White Shark sightings in the area recently, because you know, why the heck shouldn't FL have an ocean dwelling death demon hovering where we humans like to frolic?
Ahhh, yes, there is nothing quite like FL in the summertime. Nothing quite like it at all.....
*My apologies for the lack of posting recently. Obviously I haven't gotten to it....something about not being able to run (lack of blood to the brain maybe?) while I pout in a corner because I am not getting my way....darn body! I am too young for it to be letting me down like this, right? ;)
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